آخر الأخبار

the pregnant man

Apostle television program, offered by the American announcer famous opera and Winfrey hosted a man he kept genital mutilation despite its transformation from female to mention, now holder of fame in the fifth.
The man said pregnant, and named Thomas Valletta, in extracts from the programme, which aired the day before yesterday «I'm gone right person to be me my child Diversity».

According to excerpts of which were broadcast Lolita tells how his wife were not capable of pregnancy after she underwent surgery in the past to eradicate the womb. He said: «if Nancy can carry you to do this». And Roy Keita (34 years), its conflicts with different doctors and with his family and friends in a letter published last week magazine «a Advukit», a magazine on sexually abnormal, and wrote that he had surgery to change the structure of al-Sadr appeared to take the hormone testosterone

When taken to his decision to have a child stopped hormone doses that were received by injection once every two months and resumed menstruation and subjected to the process of enrichment for use Sperm donor is not known from animal sperm bank. The failed first attempt failed. But the second attempt proved successful and is expected to put her baby in about three of the next July

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