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احلي نكتة عن ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان

الاخ ضاحى خيفان مش خلفان
خيفان لايحصل العادلى وكعادة الظالمين والخائفين فهو بيخبط
وكعادة من لايفهم فقط افتكر ان دى ثورة اخوان اخفت العادلى وخاف تخفيه هو كمان

تعرف يا سيد خلفان بماذا نسمي في مصر الرجل الذي يتستر على الدعارة في بيته؟

من من باب التذكرة أحب أن أذكرك يا سيد خلفان باغتيال محمود المبحوح القيادي الحمساوي في أحد فنادق دبي. وبدلا من أن تتقدم باستقالتك من منصبك لفشلك القبض على ضباط الموسادمن القبض علي الجناة الذين عادوا ، تتفاخر بأنكم صورتم العملية بالفيديو وكأنك مخرج وليس قائد شرطة فشل

الإخوة الكرام شعب الإمارات الشقيق، كان الشيخ زايد رحمه الله واجهتكم بالعالم العربي، هل تقبلون أن يكون واجهتكم اليوم ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان

ضاحي خلفان  ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان
ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان
اول مرة اشوف تحية عسكرية علي طريقة الننجا

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان
احذرك يا مرسي بعدم عمل اي نهضة في مصر او تصدير الثورة الي اي دولة والا ---- لن تنعم مصر باي دعم من زعيم الامارات ضاحي بن لادن

ضاحي خلفان طويل اللسان ضاحي خلفان
the baby doll night

the baby doll night

The Egyptian press on a date rarely be repeated, since amassed a newspaper almost every movie heroes in the lives of the Grand Hotel to meet with journalists, and before the complete details stop with the names that will participate in the "night Aviv States."
Stars, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, Nour El-Sherif, Mahmoud Hemeida, Creative's salary, Jamal Suleiman, Ahmed Makki, Ezzat Abu Auf, Mahmoud soldier.

Najm, Leila Alwi, Slav Vokrgi, Nicole Saba, Ghada Abdel Razek, Ola Ghanem, Dora Tunisia.
This is in addition to singer Robbie that will appear in real personality, and a myriad of new faces, with a large group of Arab representatives from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other countries.

The story of the film revolves around the tour guide suffered a deficit in the marital life, traveled abroad for a period, searching for a cure, and return with an American regiment to his wife that I'll miss them, and attend with him "Bibi States" for serving with Good night, but the regiment was at risk of terrorist events is turning on its head Following, the film goes public in various parts of the world monitor the impact of the policy of globalization on human beings everywhere, starting from the tourist guide who was deprived from his wife, so that ordinary people in Iraq and Afghanistan.

While the company announced that the budget for the film transcends the forty million pounds, to be more cost films in the history of Egyptian cinema, Adel Adeeb said during the press conference that "the night Aviv States" will see more facilities provided by the company for the previous films, he first displayed in the Cannes Festival 2008, As evidenced by the participation of 60 representative and representative, and the new is the combination of a working group of Egyptian and another foreigner to exit the film in better shape, is the most prominent participants behind the camera, director of photography past Hong Manley, and producer Daniel Almnfd Cambanion, Doblerat company from South Africa, the company "Beckler" French Of tricks and graphics, and Studio "in August Road" in London to record the music that make up the graphic Yasser Abdel-Rahman, an expert makeup World "for Didier FAVERGES."

The story of the film revolves around the tour guide suffered a deficit in the marital life, traveled abroad for a period, searching for a cure, and return with an American regiment to his wife that I'll miss them, and attend with him; Bibi States serving with Good night, but the regiment was at risk of terrorist events is turning upside down , The movie goes public in various parts of the world monitor the impact of the policy of globalization on human beings everywhere, starting from the tourist guide who was deprived from his wife, so that ordinary people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It stressed the company producing the heroes not to mention their roles, but the press has succeeded in reaching the keys to the main characters, shows where Mahmoud Abdul Aziz said in a personal guide, has two wives and two Slav Nicole, and leading role of Nur al-Sharif correspondent shock irregularities U.S. military in Iraq would turn into a violent person, either Jamal Sulaiman appears in the personality of a taxi driver.

While the company announced that the budget for the film transcends the forty million pounds, to be more cost films in the history of Egyptian cinema, Adel Adeeb said during the press conference that; night Aviv States; will see more facilities provided by the company for the previous films, he first displayed in the Cannes Festival 2008, As evidenced by the participation of 60 representative and representative, and the new is the combination of a working group of Egyptian and another foreigner to exit the film in better shape, is the most prominent participants behind the camera, director of photography past Hong Manley, and producer Daniel Almnfd Cambanion, Doblerat company from South Africa, and the company; Beckler; French Of tricks and graphics, and Studio; August Road in London to record the music that make up the graphic Yasser Abdel-Rahman, an expert makeup World; Didier for FAVERGES;. Adel Adeeb said he hopes to make a film lifted shares of Arab cinema abroad, and the message in honor of his father late.
During the ceremony gave the artist Abdel Aziz speech in which he confirmed that he was ready for another seven-year absence to find a good text, as it moved away from the cinema to respect them, pointing out that he was interested in this movie three years ago, and wished to add; night Aviv States; movie for its score, Nur al-Sharif also said that the market was in need of the Egyptian movie producers to reconsider his balance after the tyranny of commercial cinema, which does not reject but he refuses to be found alone on the ground and limited reflect on the ancient Egyptian cinema.
After a meeting stars journalists in the gallery, everyone moved to the ceremony during which it descends, a huge allowed to conduct interviews with media stars. The director begins just Adib film photography studio next Tuesday Ahram, to be announced later dates for travel abroad, where the image of the film in Lebanon and Syria, Yugoslavia, Canada and some states of America.
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ads can yield over very high eCPM, in many cases over $6 eCPM. Location of the ad is important for U.S. and Canada traffic as they are PPC ads, so it needs to be "above the fold" and if you are selecting a specific content category, be sure it applies to your site content. Otherwise, use the MerchSense option and it will snap content to your page automatically based on page content and demographics. Sites that are pornographic in nature, non-english sites, and/or ad-only sites are examples of sites that are not allowed by the Terms of Service.


Very few performers have had as much success transitioning from the music scene to the film realm as Will Smith has. Being in the entertainment scene since the late 80s, today, Smith is one of the most recognized and esteemed performers and producers in the industry.

Will Smith was born Willard Christopher Smith Jr on September 25th, 1968 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Overbrook High School in Winfield Pennsylvania, which is where he soon became known to his friends as “The Prince,” for his charming antics. Little did he know that this nickname would still have meaning over 30 years later.

At the early age of 12, Smith began rapping and developing his own style under the influence of hip-hop legend, Grandmaster Flash. Four years later, at only 16, he met Jeff Townes, also known as DJ Jazzy Jeff, who he eventually collaborated with under the title, Fresh Prince. The two produced a number of songs including the worldwide hit, Girls Ain’t Nothin But Trouble, and in 1989, the duo won their first Grammy for Best Rap Performance for Parents Just Don’t Understand. Shortly thereafter, they won another Grammy in 1991 for Summertime. DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince continued to make music together until their final album, Code Red, which was released in 1993. Even though this was the end for the rap duo, Smith re-emerged as a solo artist in 1997 with his debut LP, Big Willie Style and continues to make and produce music today.

Prior to his debut as a solo artist, Will Smith had already made a name for himself in the acting realm. In 1990, Will Smith was cast in the NBC sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which starred Smith as the “Fresh Prince,” a young street-smart kid from Philly living in one of LA’s wealthiest areas, Bel-Air. The family comedy proved to be a great success running for six years and giving Smith a name in the industry.

It wasn’t long before the movie offers came rolling in. One of his first roles was in the film starring Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson, Made In America, in which Smith played the best friend of Goldberg’s onscreen daughter. His next role in the Oscar-nominated film, Six Degrees of Separation, garnered him international respect after proving to the world that he could play more than the comical Fresh Prince. This eventually led to the 1995 box-office hit, Bad Boys, which was one of the first-ever action films to feature two black lead actors.

After Bad Boys, things only got better for Will Smith. He starred in over a dozen films including Independence Day (1996), Men in Black (1997), Enemy of the State (1998), Ali (2001), I, Robot (2004), Hitch (2005) and the Pursuit of Happyness (2006) to name a few. Over the span of his acting career, he’s won 28 awards and has been nominated for 49 others including two Oscar nominations for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for his role in Ali and in The Pursuit of Happyness.

After successfully conquering the music and film industries, Will Smith has taken on the new role as producer. With the help of partner James Lassiter, Smith recently launched Overbrook Entertainment, a film and television production company that also does artist management. Since its birth, Overbrook has produced several box office hits including I, Robot, Hitch, and the most recent, The Pursuit of Happyness.
the pregnant man

the pregnant man

Apostle television program, offered by the American announcer famous opera and Winfrey hosted a man he kept genital mutilation despite its transformation from female to mention, now holder of fame in the fifth.
The man said pregnant, and named Thomas Valletta, in extracts from the programme, which aired the day before yesterday «I'm gone right person to be me my child Diversity».

According to excerpts of which were broadcast Lolita tells how his wife were not capable of pregnancy after she underwent surgery in the past to eradicate the womb. He said: «if Nancy can carry you to do this». And Roy Keita (34 years), its conflicts with different doctors and with his family and friends in a letter published last week magazine «a Advukit», a magazine on sexually abnormal, and wrote that he had surgery to change the structure of al-Sadr appeared to take the hormone testosterone

When taken to his decision to have a child stopped hormone doses that were received by injection once every two months and resumed menstruation and subjected to the process of enrichment for use Sperm donor is not known from animal sperm bank. The failed first attempt failed. But the second attempt proved successful and is expected to put her baby in about three of the next July


Two cows are standing in a field.
One says to the other "Are you worried about Mad Cow Disease?"
The other one says "No, It doesn't worry me, I'm a horse!"

A man receives a phone call from his doctor.
The doctor says, "I have some good news and some bad news."
The man says, "OK, give me the good news first."
The doctor says, "The good news is, you have 24 hours to live."
The man replies, "Oh no! If that's the good news, then what's the bad news?"
The doctor says, "The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday."

A: Do you want to hear a dirty joke?
B: Ok
A: A white horse fell in the mud.

Teacher: Did you father help your with your homework
Student: No, he did it all by himself.

Patient: Doctor! You've got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever pays any attention to what I have to say.
Doctor: Next please!

A: Why are all those people running
B: They are running a race to get a cup.
A: Who will get the cup
B: The person who wins.
A: Then why are all the others running

Customer in a restaurant: I would like to have a plate of rice and a piece of fried chicken and a cup of coffee
Waitress : Is it enough Sir?
Customer : What? Do you think I can't buy more?

Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill.
Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it?
Student: No. I was standing on it.
A teacher asked a student to write 55.
Student asked: How?
Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5!
The student wrote 5 and stopped.
teacher: What are you waiting for?
student: I don't know which side to write the other 5!
A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.

If you see an elephant sitting on the chair, what time is it
Time to buy a new chair!

0??What's black and white and red over
A newspaper! Because it's read all over.

What would you do if you broke your arme in tow places?? 0
Stay away from those tow places.

How does an animal doctor look inside a tiger's mouth??0
Very carefully.
How to deal with post-picked flowers

How to deal with post-picked flowers

How to deal with post-picked flowers:
Whether the person who carried out the cut or the purchase of flowers from one of the assignee attention given to them at home or place of a single coordinated and carried out the following manner:
-- Go down leg certainly ads shears and a length of about 6 cm pieces, the pieces italics prevent parking based on his leg, all in the bottom of the pot, so less water is not absorbed by the leg as well as increased absorbent surface exceeds the amount of water absorbed by the lump.

-- If the flowers of the species that have a somewhat wooden legs are crushing the bottom leg (about 2.5 cm) which facilitates the entry into force of the water to the highest legs, like these flowers: "Alheidrangjia."

Here's caring ways and flowers: --

If purchased lay flowers are not normal cleaning devices pots and clean water almost one-third Submit
Add nutrients to the flowers into the water and good move
Removed the papers found in the lower leg of the flower to prevent bacteria
Then cut the party's lower leg to a distance of 2 cm flower and tilted angle
This allows for better absorption of flower water, which helps to keep a longer period
Also make sure when you put this process of party basement of a flower under water so as not to seep into the air leg
Prefer to change the water and making sure money receptacle containing flowers to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria flowers.
It is important to put flowers in a cool 20 -25 degree Celsius degrees away from sunlight and sources of heat and away from the holes conditioners and preferably put flowers in natural lighting
Avoid excessive irrigation because it leads to negative results
diving and the Red Sea

diving and the Red Sea

Find beauty here depths, colors and beauty, and creatures that live under more beaches drier, and least explored. "
In the Red Sea usually 450 species of fish, as have a number of marine species (such as green turtles and turtle's beak punishment) has prepared abundant.
The sea brides living in small family groups, a large mammal animal, also called sea cow. It is believed that this animal is shy marine built upon myth Nymph.
As hesitate on the Red Sea as well as several strains of whales and dolphins.
This is the warm waters filled with fish safe and wonderful place for swimming, diving, diving tube, sailing and fishing throughout the year.
The dive from the beach is relatively easy to Jeddah, where the coral reef a few steps from the beach, and a depth of up to 25 m will find a wall the length of 40 m atolls.
The intervention here Ajeeb and exciting world of fish, Alchwenin, sharks, turtles, the most vital emperor fish, fish Angelic, Ray dotted punishment, and fish in vitro, and the comet long Flipper.
The easiest places to dive so concentrated in Jeddah and Sharm el-sailing, providing a number of hotels and beaches for ways to reach direct single.
The rate of vision beyond the coral on the coast about 30 m, but are allowed to dive in the quiet days (approximately 70% of the time). And reduced vision in the nearby coral to about 10 p.m., but they are excellent sites for diving and discovery.
It may be dangerous to dive, so it requires a trained coach Maher authorized, provided the companies listed below diving services to various levels (novice, average and professional).